Are you feeling unmotivated or even overwhelmed by the persistent need to get everything wrapped up before taking leave? Whether you are experiencing burnout or end-of-year fatigue, both of these conditions can induce feelings of helplessness and defeat. While burnout can leave you feeling physically, emotionally and psychologically exhausted, end-of-year fatigue can negatively affect your productivity and performance at the office.
Here are some tips to help you or your team members beat burnout and end-of-year fatigue so that you can finish the year off in good spirits, and start the new year energised and ready to face any challenges.
Make sure you keep yourself hydrated
There are many benefits to keeping yourself hydrated during periods of high stress. Water regulates your body temperature, prevents a wide variety of infections and delivers important nutrients to your cells. It also keeps your joints and cartilage lubricated and ensures your organs keep working at optimal levels. When it comes to your sleep, which is also important for burnout and end-of-year fatigue, drinking water will help you get a good night’s rest which, in turn, will improve your overall mood. Finally, and probably most importantly, water increases your brain function and boosts your energy levels.
Get good quality sleep
If you are not getting enough sleep, you will find it difficult to focus and take in new information. That’s because sleep gives your brain time to properly store memories for retrieval at a later stage. A large study found that when you are not getting adequate sleep, you are five times more likely to develop depression. The same study also found that without adequate sleep, you are more likely to experience anxiety and panic disorders. You may want to consider your caffeine intake. If you are drinking too much coffee or high-caffeine energy drinks, this may affect your sleep patterns in a negative way. Try cutting your intake down or not having any caffeine after a certain time during the day. You should be aiming to sleep from seven to eight hours every day to achieve good quality sleep.
Eat a healthy and nutritional breakfast every day
Eating healthy, nutritional foods will give your body (and mind) the sustenance it needs to function at optimal levels at the office. It is particularly important to make sure you don’t leave the house without eating a well-balanced breakfast.
A healthy diet supports your immune system, which will help you avoid missing work due to illness. It will also help you heal and recover at a faster rate than normal, especially if you are consuming foods that are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
Eating healthy meals will not only boost your brain health, it also has a positive effect on your moods. Foods that have omega-3 fatty acids are good for your normal brain functioning and can even ease conditions like bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder and depression through ‘diet therapy’.
Get active
Exercising regularly will increase your energy levels, improve your mood and help you get a good night’s rest. It stimulates your brain chemicals which often leave you feeling less anxious, happier and more relaxed. Since being active generally makes you feel better, you may even feel more confident and less self-conscious in the workplace.
You don’t have to work out in a gym to benefit from physical exercise. You can go for regular walks with your children or your dogs, work in the garden, do housework or even window shop at a mall. All of these activities will help you get physical, increasing the overall intake of oxygen into your brain.
Don’t be scared to ask for help
If you are feeling so overwhelmed that you don’t believe that the softer techniques suggested above will help you, don’t be scared to ask a professional for help. You can make an appointment with your doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist for a more comprehensive intervention. Just remember that you are not alone. Many people are struggling with burnout and end-of-year fatigue, simply because we are living in uncertain times. With soaring crime rates and increased financial stress, day-to-day activities are more of a burden to most – especially as we head toward the end of a very challenging year.
Test yourself: take the Burnout Survey
If you feel your company or your team members need help to work better together during these uncertain times, you can contact Zen PeopleInsights for professional leadership coaching. In addition, we recommend a burnout survey that you can use for yourself and your team members to assess if stress levels are at manageable levels or if you or a colleague need an intervention to help you through this stressful time. You’ll find the Burnout Survey here.
If your team members aren’t feeling psychologically safe in the workplace, it may be contributing towards burnout and end-of-year fatigue.
Book an appointment if you’d like to set up a consultation or try the Fearless Organisation Scan with your team or organisation, a helpful tool to assess the level of psychological safety in your teams.